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Fall Lily Pool Wedding: Tangela + Kenneth 11/9/17

Meet Tangela & Kenneth! They married on a beautiful (but chilly) fall day at the Lily Pool in Lincoln Park.

They were joined by their adorable daughters and family members. They wanted to be sure to include the girls in the ceremony and presented them with their own wedding teddy bears, which they loved!

Hopefully you can’t tell it in the photos, but it was very cold. I think in the 30’s! We got our first snow that evening if that tells you anything! So everyone was amazing for toughing it out! Post ceremony we headed down to South Pond while everyone else warmed up in the car. These are some of my favorite photos! A gorgeous couple + bright blue sky + yellows and reds in the trees = happy photographer!

Congratulations to the newlyweds. Here are some of my favorites!

Photography: Becky Brown Photography

Officiant: Eva LaRoche, A Perfect Fit Rev


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