Meet Kate! She is the amazing hair & makeup artist behind Kate Johnson Artistry.
When picking out a makeup and hair look for the big day. Consider now only pictures you've loved in the past but also the weather and the line of the dress. You want to feel comfortable but also your most beautiful. Ask your fiance what they think as well!
People say to come with dirty hair! Nope please don't if you hate your hair on day 2! You know your hair better than we do so if day 2 makes you feel gross wash it that morning. Either way though not only wash but add some mouse then blow it dry! Very important to blow it dry. When you do this it holds the style much better because the cuticle has expanded a bit.
Find pictures you love on pinterest and look for those that have similar features as you. If you can't find that ( it can be hard) know what it is you like about each picture. Is it the blush placement and color or just the color? Being able to communicate these types of things will help you and your artist achieve the look you love!
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